English Essentials Vol 7

Topics covered in the Issue

1. General Knowledge.
2. Reflexive Pronoun.
3. Diction.
4. Conjunctions
5. Vocabulary
6. World Cup Facts
7. Similes
8. Foreign Words and Phrases Used In English
9. Homonyms
10. Riddles
11. Preposition
12. Word Puzzle
13. Comparative Adjectives
14. Prepositions
15. Work On Your Spelling
16. Word Formation
17. Rational Cloze
18. Tools
19. Correct These Errors
20. Figures Of Speech
21. Power Vocabulary
22. Stated Meaning
23. Letter Writing
24. Essay Writing
25. Directed Writing
26. Sample Essay- My Hobby
27. Towering Malaysian – Royal Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz Bin Ungku Abdul Hamid
