English Essentials Vol 40
Topics covered in the Issue
Section 1- Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex)
– Uncharted, Complex and Volatile in an Unpredictable World.
1.1 Introduction: The Malaysian Experience
1.2 Positive & Negative Impacts
1.3 Is Our Economy In Ruins?
1.4 Resilience of Our Economy – A Diversified Revenue Portfolio
1.5 Global Economic Situation
1.6 History of Forex
1.7 What Is Forex?
1.8 Mechanism
1.9 Characteristics
1.10 Determinants of the exchange rate
1.11 Which currencies are traded in the forex market and their share as top global payment currency?
1.12 Conclusion
Section 2 – The Malaysian Employment Market – A Reality Check
Section3 – Language Exercises
3.1 Intelligence Quotation (I.Q)
3.2 “Think Out Of The Box”
3.3 Spot the Mistakes
3.4 English from Around the World
3.5 Prepositional Phrases
3.6 Collective nouns
3.7 Parallel Structure
Section 4 – Back Cover- Bank Negara Malaysia