English Essentials Vol 24
Topics covered in the Issue
1. Women The Embodiment of Humanity
2. UN Secretary-General’s Message on International Women’s Day
3. Teachers are truly the Greatest Social Engineers and Nation Builders.
Do They Make A Difference?
4. Moulding of Classroom Culture by Teachers
12 Questions to reflect upon in conjunction with Teachers’ Day Celebration
5. For Afghan Girl, Going to School is an Act of Bravery
6. For international Women’s Day 2013, we celebrate pioneering female scientists
7. Rape As A Weapon Of War
8. An Appalling Story of a Rape Victim – The Story of Masika from the Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC)
9. Rape in Malaysia: How do we fare?
10. Statistics on Rape Cases in Malaysia
11. A Day of Remembrance – Mothers’ Day
12. Higher Order Thinking Skills in Marketing
– Corporate Taglines, Ad Slogans and Jingles of Famous Brands
13. Glidogram
14. A – M Enunciation Exercises
15. Word Search Puzzles – Capital Cities of Europe
16. A Great Educator – Rafe Esquith